Coaching is one of the most formidable forces for personal and relational transformation that exists today. In the confidential, safe, loving space of coaching, you receive tailor-made support to help you address your challenges and move towards your relationship and life goals.
You can engage in coaching with Sonika or Christian from anywhere in the world. LoveWorks offers Couples Coaching, Relationship Coaching, and Life Coaching. Our unique positive coaching style, along with a combined 40+ years of accumulated knowledge and experience, can help you rapidly shift your experience in relationship.
We have supported couples and individuals with a wide range of relationship issues and goals, such as toxic relationships, emotionally unavailable partners, insecurities or trust in relationships, physical and emotional intimacy in marriage and other relationship, just to name a few. Whether your goal is to create a healthy marriage, avoid divorce, create juicy intimacy or get help to realize your life goals, LoveWorks coaching can help.

We firmly believe that relationships are meant to be a place where you are empowered to be your best self, and where you feel all the love, intimacy and passion your heart can hold! If you are not happy in your relationships, it is because you don’t know what to do and that can be changed.
If you are interested in coaching, please contact us via the form here or call our office at 800-701-7043. There’s no charge for an initial conversation, and frankly, we love talking to you :-)
Learn how our coaching can work for you...
Couples Coaching

Sometimes, you just need help to get un-stuck! You might have already tried having the difficult conversations, tried expressing how you feel, and maybe you have even tried therapy. But clearly, the results haven’t satisfied you, or you probably wouldn’t be reading this.
If you are like most couples, the more you talk about your problems, the worse they seem to get. When you engage in coaching with Sonika or Christian, you are given a new and unique way to look at your problems that breathes fresh life into your relationship, and you leave with a set of practices to put to use right away! LoveWorks coaching helps you get a deeper insight into your dynamics as a couple, and also gives you very specific practical tools to apply right away. Sonika and Christian are Co-founders of the The LoveWorks Solution, a comprehensive and practical set of tools and insights.
Reasons people seek coaching...
How we do couples' coaching differently...
“My wife wants a divorce”.
“We just want a healthy marriage”
“We argue all the time”.
“My husband is emotionally unavailable and self-absorbed”.
“Our physical intimacy is gone; it’s like we’re room-mates, not lovers”.
“She is always criticizing me; I can’t handle it”
“We need to rebuild trust in the relationship”
“He never listens”.
“We have communication issues”.
“He had an affair”.
Just to name a few …
These types of issues and goals definitely need immediate attention, because left unchecked, they will predictably break down trust, intimacy, and love over time. It’s common for couples to try to “wait it out” while hoping things get better, but relationships do not fix themselves just by time passing. “Hoping” is not a reliable strategy.
You might of course be doing great and simply wanting some refinement around your communication or problem solving skills, or just learn from true experts how to make your already healthy marriage even stronger and more satisfying. Or perhaps to take your emotional and physical intimacy and sex to a whole new level.
We will tell you about one couple who came to us as a last-ditch effort. They were fighting about sex and on the brink of separation. After just one session, they felt connected again, on the same page about sex and hopeful about creating the relationship they both REALLY wanted! That’s not to say it’s typical to break through an issue in one session, but often you can get significant improvement in a short time. Whether you engage in coaching for a shorter or longer period of time, you’ll get practical steps to take after every coaching session.
Our coaching is an uplifting alternative to traditional therapy or counseling (and many of our clients come to us after those methodologies didn’t produce sufficient results). In fact, when therapists need coaching for their own marriages, they come to us. Once they see the results of our coaching in their own relationships, they often refer their own clients to LoveWorks for couples coaching.
In our coaching, we don’t spend a lot of time digging in your past or your childhood. We’ve found that your problems often get worse the more you analyze, scrutinize, and dissect them, which leaves you feeling drained!
We place emphasis on getting you moving towards where you want to go, so you can feel better now, have increased intimacy now, enjoy more love and fun now. It’s a lot easier to improve your situation if you can begin to feel improvement quickly.
How to set up couples coaching with us now...
Couples will work with Sonika or Christian. We often recommend you engage in a series of coaching sessions (ask us about package deals). If you come as couple, we might set it up so some sessions are the husband working with Christian; some are the wife working with Sonika; and some are you both together with Sonika or Christian.
For couples who need an intense boost, we offer daylong, in-house coaching retreats (please note very few of these are available; ask us for details).
Relationship Coaching
What is relationship coaching?
Relationships are an often overlooked factor in our overall sense of happiness, productivity and self-esteem. For instance, just think about how much of your career and work life is impacted by the other people you interact with. If you relate harmoniously and effectively to your co-workers or managers, you are generally productive in your work and feel good about the time you spend working. But if your manager or employees are difficult to communicate or get along with, or perhaps even directly in opposition to you, it takes a heavy toll on your peace of mind and satisfaction with your career.
The same is true for your relationships with your children or birth family. For all relationships, we’ve found that most of us share an unrealistic expectation: We should be able to relate harmoniously to anyone in any situation without any training. How much training do you have in getting along with your birth family? How much training have you taken to communicate with your kids? How many classes have you attended to learn how to have difficult conversations with your aging parents, or you adult kids, or the kids of your second spouse?
To a very large extent, your relationship with yourself is shaped by relationships with others. Relationships with others provide a significant portion of your joy, connection, and sense of belonging, as well as your upsets, triggers, and sorrows. How you see yourself is heavily impacted by the reflections you get back from others. You play up against other people to shape and modify yourself. You need others to meet a huge chunk of your basic needs. The quality of your relationships has been shown in countless studies to be one of the keys – if not THE key – to a happy, healthy, productive life.
As with all LoveWorks Coaching, relationship coaching is a positive coaching style.
How to set up relationship coaching with us now...
Couples will work with Sonika or Christian. We often recommend you engage in a series of coaching sessions (ask us about package deals). If you come as couple, we might set it up so some sessions are the husband working with Christian; some are the wife working with Sonika; and some are you both together with Sonika or Christian.
For couples who need an intense boost, we offer daylong, in-house coaching retreats (please note very few of these are available; ask us for details).
Relationship Coaching for Men
What is relationship coaching for men?
Coaching for men takes into account a masculine way of focusing and processing the world. Men are generally oriented towards completing projects and missions and achieving a sense of success. That includes intimate relationships, where men (contrary to stereotypical rumors about men) care deeply about succeeding with their partners. But often, the masculine way of relating doesn’t produce the desired results with our wives and girlfriends. We often end up in stalemates and breakdowns where she thinks we don’t care, and we think she’s impossible to please.
When I recommend men to treat their relationships more like a business, it doesn’t sound very warm and fuzzy, but it works because it uses a language most men can relate to. Coaching for men breaks down what is required to succeed in relationships and explores how to bring out your best masculine qualities with your partner and in your life overall.
On a personal note, I was a man for whom intimacy and relational communication skills did not come naturally. I caused a lot of grief in my intimate relationships and found it very difficult to create the kind of harmonious loving connection I desired. It was coaching and learning effective skills that turned it around for me. Even skills that don’t come naturally can be learned!
How to set up positive coaching with us now...
Relationship coaching for men is done with Christian, although when necessary, Sonika can be brought in. I often recommend you engage in a series of coaching sessions (ask us about package deals). Coaching is never cookie-cutter but developed in collaboration with you.
Life Coaching
What is life coaching?
We all know the experience of having certain goals and intentions but somehow not reaching them. Life coaching is for those who are committed to creating a satisfying and meaningful life. As Life Coaches, we support you to enhance your performance in any area of your life that is important to you.
Challenges, breakdowns, and distractions are a given in anyone’s life. Life Coaching provides a space to explore better strategies and deeper insights to deal with challenges and breakdowns productively, while never losing sight of where you’re going.
Life coaching often includes and overlaps with Relationship Coaching, because relationships are such an integral part of life. At some point in our lives, most of us deal with life and relationship issues. We may encounter issues around trust, communication, or intimacy in our marriage or significant relationship; we may be struggling with how to create a healthy marriage or avoid divorce. Whatever the relationship issues, they tend to have a direct impact on the rest of our lives. Hence, life coaching often includes some level of relationship coaching.
An important area of Life Coaching is Life Purpose Coaching. In today’s world, being clear about your life’s purpose, and having work and relationships that align with your purpose, is the best way to stay true to yourself in a chaotic and stressful society. As part of Life Coaching, we offer a powerful process for you to get clear and grounded in your life’s purpose!
How to set up life coaching with us now...
Couples will work with Sonika or Christian. We often recommend you engage in a series of coaching sessions (ask us about package deals). If you come as couple, we might set it up so some sessions are the husband working with Christian; some are the wife working with Sonika; and some are you both together with Sonika or Christian.
For couples who need an intense boost, we offer daylong, in-house coaching retreats (please note very few of these are available; ask us for details).