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Is He The One? Is She The One?

Updated: Sep 8, 2022

Is he the one?

"Is he “The One”? Is she “The One”? As a single person, that’s a really big, important questions. As it turns out, sometimes it’s too big. I still remember from all my single years how much that question was on my mind, even haunted me.

The search to find “The One” is exhilarating and full of so much hope. But sometimes, like for me, the “quest” also caused a good deal of anxiety. When I went dating, I did that thing so many singles have tried on dates: Meet someone and instantly pass judgment as to the whether the person in front of me was “The One” or not (they never were). I kinda wish someone had shown me this post back then.

In this post, we’ll offer you important tips for what to pay attention to in order to answer that question, Is he/she the one?

Make it okay.

The first thing to do to make your own journey more enjoyable is to make it okay that the “big question” just sits there unanswered for a while. No one can put a timeline on finding the love of your life, and if you add a deadline of your own, you’re likely to also add a bunch of stress and pressure. So see if you can relax into the uncertainty. Tell yourself it might take a while, and that’s ok, because you’re going to have a good time as you go.

For Sonika & I, it took over two years before we could answer the question, before we knew for sure we wanted to commit and be together. We couldn’t have done it any faster, and during that process, we paid attention to all the factors we’re sharing with you below.

Get a Free Trial to our “Mini-Workshops” A mini-workshop is a short how-to course that focuses on one specific relationship issue at a time. Each course includes step-by-step instruction and insight, and you get practical tools to try out on the spot. Instead of trying to deal with every problem in your relationship, you focus on how to rebuild trust, how to revive your intimacy, how to communicate more constructively, how to enjoy more sex and affection, or how to stay in love. And that’s just some of the available topics. Click the link here and sign up for a free trial (no strings attached), then dig in to the topic you most need help with.

Throw out “The One”

Second and equally important, throw out the whole notion of “The One”. We know that might sound like odd and contrary advice, but think about it. The idea that among 8 billion people there is one and only one person for you is just not very likely, to say the least. Instead of looking for “The One”, look for someone who’s a great fit for you, someone you can make a wonderful relationship with. Thinking there is only one just puts more pressure on yourself to find a needle in a global haystack.

But what about attraction and chemistry, you might wonder? Attraction and chemistry are great; they feel awesome, and makes for hot juiciness! But attraction and chemistry are not enough to build a relationship on, or to decide if someone is the right fit for you. There are lots and lots of people you can feel attracted to and whose bones you’d love to jump. But it’s not just if you’re attracted physically. You also want to notice if you’re attracted to them emotionally. If you feel intellectually stimulated.

Watch the YouTube video of this post with Sonika & Christian

Other essential factors to pay attention to.

Trust. Do you feel you can trust this person? Do you observe him or her moving with integrity in their lives? When he says he’ll show up somewhere, does he? When she says she’ll do something, does she? And not just with you, with all their friends and family.

Personal growth. Is this someone who is committed to growing? Is he willing to learn, make adjustments, admit wrong doing? Sonika always said that was more important to her than almost anything else, because if he’s willing to grow, learn and look at himself, then you know he’ll be growing with you and can learn what he doesn’t know already. Don’t get hung up on whether she’s done as many workshops as you, or masters the same non-violent communication skills you do, but do pay attention to his willingness to grow.

Do you feel free to express yourself? When we’re dating or in a new relationship, we sometimes hesitate to show all of ourselves, in an effort to to not wreck a good thing, or turn our partner off. But it’s way more important for you to express who you are and what’s on your mind and heart, for real. How your partner reacts to this, will tell you a lot. And in case he doesn’t encourage your full expression, you’ll know he’s not a good fit for you. You’d rather know this sooner than later, so don’t hold yourself back.

Can you handle and resolve conflicts? What happens when there’s a testy moment? Does she get all weird, back away, go silent, get angry in your face? We don’t mean just one time, everyone has less-than-stellar moments, but as a recurrent response to conflict.

How about their quirks and issues? Everyone has issues and quirks, so don’t look for someone who is somehow free of quirks and idiosyncrasies. More useful, notice if her quirks and issues are some you’re willing to work with? You might be totally fine with him being into Dungeons and Dragons, but you might not be willing to deal with someone who’s drinking too much.

What are their other relationships like? Noticing how she relates to her family, friends, and coworkers can tell you a lot. Does she have ind, loving, respectful relationships with other people. Or is she a loner with no friends? Does he create conflicts with lots of people in his life?

Pay attention to how you feel. We can give you lots of practical factors to notice, but at the end of the day, how you feel might be the most important factor.

Do you feel safe? Do you feel comfortable? Do you feel trusting? Do you have that sense of being “home”? Like all is right in the world?

On the flip side of that, notice if you frequently have the sense that something is not “quite right”. Are you trying to talk yourself out of something? Or into something?

Practice telling the truth about these feelings. Having open, honest conversations like this will either bring your closer and strengthen your bond, or will show if you he’s not interested in that kind of communication. Either way, good information for you.

Finally, make it okay that this a process and that there’s a question in the space. Remember, it takes time for two people to sync up and line up, not just their lives and circumstances, but their hearts and minds. Relationship are living creatures, they grow organically, if you let them.

Use all your dating experiences as an opportunity to practice being in relationship, practice showing up as the best version of yourself, as the kind of person you would like to one day find!

LoveWorks: We believe relationships are meant to be an empowering, fun, passionate, safe place to grow, love, and learn. Where we get to be more of who we are, not less. We know it’s not always easy, but it can definitely be easier! With our unique and practical approach to relationship, you learn how to resolve conflicts quickly and enjoy fulfilling intimacy for the rest of your life. To learn more or contact us, visit

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